Poland Pavilion

“Heritage that drives the future”

Wave of innovations

Gene of creativity

Poland will be presented as a country, the main resource of which are its people – creative, open-minded, educated, imaginative and brave in their thought and effort.

Poland’s participation at the Expo is under the motto “Poland. Heritage that drives the future.” The Polish people build on their heritage, which inspires them to seek new answers to the challenges of the modern world.

Polish cultural heritage produces an image of steadfastness, openness, solidarity and willingness to cooperate, especially in historically difficult times. The “gene of creativity,” passed down from generation to generation, allows Polish people to act for a better future, supports flexibility in the face of unexpected global changes, and is a force that generates new concepts for social and technological solutions. This idea is visible in the talent of Poles for finding new opportunities, and paying attention to the well-being that arises from nature and non-stop creation.

Polish culture

The half-year presence of Poland at the Expo will feature numerous cultural and scientific events, including daily Chopin recitals, with the most important ones including:

Cultural events as part of Poland's participation in the Expo will take place both in the Poland Pavilion, on the Expo site and in the city of Osaka. Classical and contemporary music, dance and visual arts will be promoted.

Promotion of the Poland’s economy

At the heart of Poland’s preparations for Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, lies the Polish entrepreneur, and the economic programme that will be implemented in cooperation with other business support institutions is a key element of the project.

Promotion of Poland’s economy will focus especially on industries that have been defined to have the largest export potential for Asian markets and be of the highest priority in trade relations with Japan. These include the following sectors:

Commissioner General

Poland at World Expositions

Over the years, building Poland’s image at Expos involved numerous presentations of the Polish economy, culture, and natural resources, and the commitment of institutional and commercial partners. The success of Poland at those events was often thanks to the spectacular architecture of the pavilions themselves, a direct testimony to Polish creativity.

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