
We’re delighted that you’re interested in Poland at Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai!

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location ul. Krucza 50, 00-025 Warszawa
clock working hours: pn.-pt. 8:00-16:00
Numer telefonu 48 22 334 99 55 Adres e-mail

Polish Investment and Trade Agency

The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) is the institution responsible for preparing Poland’s presence at the World Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai. The Agency carries out this task under the supervision of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology.

The Agency’s mission is to increase the inflow of foreign direct investments into the country and the scope and dynamics of the internationalization of Polish enterprises. The Agency operates both in Poland and through Foreign Trade Offices all around the world.

The Agency offers quick access to comprehensive information regarding the economic and legal environment in foreign markets to entrepreneurs. It also helps in overcoming administrative procedures regarding specific projects, developing legal solutions, finding an appropriate location and reliable partners and suppliers.

Polish Investment and Trade Agency also provides access to financial instruments offered by the PFR Group.

Vector 2216

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