The economic program of Expo 2020 in Dubai is about to start

Soon new initiatives, which are part of the economic program which will accompany Poland’s participation in the World Exhibition Expo 2020 in Dubai, are to be launched. The program consists of 13 support tools, aimed at Polish entrepreneurs who want to develop their business in the countries of the Persian Gulf, by taking advantage of Poland’s participation in this the world’s largest promotional and exhibition event. The first initiative – the Go to Brand Expo 2020 program implemented by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development – starts on January 27.
The economic program is a key element of Poland’s preparations for Expo 2020 in Dubai. Its main goal is, the economic promotion of Polish companies and supporting them in establishing and maintaining business relations with partners in the Middle East. This goal results directly from the Program Concept of Poland’s participation in Expo 2020 in Dubai, which was adopted by the Council of Ministers in 2018 and confirmed in December 2020.
– While creating the economic program, we aimed at becoming an impulse for Polish entrepreneurs to implement their export aspirations. Our offer of cooperation is aimed at both small and medium-sized companies as well as large corporations. It seems that in the coming year there will be no better way to promote business in Arab markets. Expo 2020 in Dubai has become an umbrella for many initiatives – from diplomatic, through economic, scientific and cultural ones. On all these levels, we are building a multi-faced message about our country, which we will present in the Poland Pavilion and during many events planned for the six months of the Exhibition. These events will be crowned by the Polish Day and the Poland-United Arab Emirates Economic Forum (6–7 December 2021) – says Adrian Malinowski, Commissioner General of the Polish Section of the World Exhibition Expo 2020 in Dubai.
The offer of support is addressed in particular, to industries that have been identified as industries with the highest export potential to the Middle East markets, i.e. medical equipment, cosmetics, „Moda Polska” (clothing, footwear, accessories, jewelry sector), IT / ICT, gamedev , furniture, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and pro-health services, Polish food specialties, the construction industry, yachts and recreational boats, green technology, tourism, mobility and electromobility.
The offer for entrepreneurs has been prepared in cooperation with many institutions, incl. The Minister of Development, Labor and Technology, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, as well as many Marshal’s Offices. The support package includes promotional, organizational and financial support, as well as an opportunity to learn more about Arab markets and the opportunity to establish business contacts. Details of the economic program will be presented on an ongoing basis at
– The upcoming World Exhibition in Dubai is a chance for Polish SMEs to appear on global markets. Hence the idea of supporting the promotion of Polish brands in the already proven formula of the Go to Brand competition – says Marcin Czyża, vice-president of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Ambassador of Poland’s participation in the World Exhibition Expo 2020 in Dubai. – The competition, which will start on January 27, is one of the most important elements of the Economic Program accompanying Poland’s participation in this year’s Expo. This is a chance for our companies to overcome the difficulties caused by the pandemic, by finding new markets, acquiring business partners and building strong and lasting trade relations in the United Arab Emirates and the Persian Gulf region– adds Marcin Czyża.
13 economic program initiatives
Go to Brand Expo 2020
A program implemented by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to obtain financial support for the implementation of promotional activities in the United Arab Emirates. The amount allocated for co-financing projects through a competition process is PLN 50 million. The competition will be announced on January 27, 2021. Applications will be collected from February 26 to March 29, 2021.
A Partner program
A commercial partnership program for private companies. This is the first project of this type in the history of Poland’s participation in World Exhibitions, which engages companies as the following -Event Sponsors/Partners, Poland Pavilion Equipment Partners, and Industry Event Partners. So far, we have established cooperation with several dozen companies. The third edition of the program will start in the first quarter of 2021.
Poland-UAE Economic Forum
The culminating moment of the entire economic program, scheduled for December 6, 2021 (just prior to the Polish Day, which will take place on December 7, 2021). Representatives of the highest state authorities have announced their participation in the event. The program includes signing bilateral agreements, business panels and b2b business sessions.We invite, among others, the entrepreneurs participating in support under the Go to Brand Expo 2020 program to take part in this event.
The possibility of reserving space for business meetings
We will provide Polish entrepreneurs with the opportunity to organize business meetings in the Poland Pavilion. Through a simple online tool at, it will be possible to book space to conduct business in: a VIP lounge and a conference room for up to 70 people. The reservation system will be launched in the first quarter of 2021.
Industry reports
With business partners from around the world, who are interested in cooperation with Polish companies in mind. We are preparing industry reports, which will be a comprehensive presentation of industries and companies with the largest potential for export to the Middle East markets. These reports will be presented on the website and during the economic events accompanying the World Exhibition Expo 2020 in Dubai.
We invite entrepreneurs who want to broaden their knowledge about the conditions for foreign expansion in the Persian Gulf countries to participate in on-line meetings. The series of webinars will be held in the second and third quarters of 2021.
Polish national stands at trade fairs in the UAE
Both before, during and after the World Exhibition Expo 2020 in Dubai, Poland is planned to participate in the most important trade fairs in the UAE, including Arab Health, Gulfood, BIG 5, Gitex, Dubai Boat Show, Beauty World Middle East, Hotel Show, Bride Show. Entrepreneurs wishing to obtain funding for participation in industry fairs, where Poland will have its own national stands, can take part in the Go to Brand Expo 2020 program. The list of fairs is available on:
B2B App Expo
The Exhibition Organizer offers entrepreneurs from all over the world the possibility of using the application that enables establishing business contacts with partners from all over the world. Details on the Expo 2020 Dubai organizer website: application will be available from March 2021.
A Poland-UAE Economic Commission
An event aimed at reviving economic relations between the UAE and Poland. The Commission was established on the basis of an agreement on economic cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the United Arab Emirates, signed on April 22, 2012. So far, two meetings of this Commission have been held – the last in Abu Dhabi on April 29–30, 2015. This event will be held in Poland before the start of the World Exhibition.
Regional support
A regional program accompanying Poland’s participation in Expo 2020 in Dubai is created in cooperation with 10 marshal offices: Podlaskie, Dolnośląskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Podkarpackie, Lubelskie, Lubuskie, Pomorskie, Śląskie, Łódzkie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie. Each of them is preparing a week-long exhibition in the temporary exhibition area of the Poland Pavilion and is implementing its own economic program for entrepreneurs from the region. Please contact the Marshal’s offices.
Public procurement
We encourage you to participate in tenders related to the preparation of Poland’s participation in EXPO 2020 in Dubai. In the years 2021–2022, services worth about PLN 28 million to be contracted. We invite you to follow the PAIH Public Information Bulletin:
Polish Games Show
The potential of the Polish gamedev industry, both in commercial and artistic terms, will be presented at Expo 2020 in Dubai as part of a week- long series of events, including the presentation of Polish games and their producers, as well as competitions and workshops on game design. Detailed opportunities for participation in this show will be presented soon. The event will take place in early March 2022.
Theme weeks
The organizer has planned 10 thematic weeks for the 6 months of the Exhibition: Space, Climate and biodiversity, Urban and rural development, Tolerance and inclusiveness, Knowledge and Learning, Travel and Connectivity, Global goals for sustainable development, Health and wellness, Food Agriculture and livelihoods, Water. It is worth planning a visit to Expo 2020 on a date corresponding to your business interests.