Expo 2020 – an opportunity for the development of the Polish economy

Expo 2020 in Dubai starts in just two weeks. Postponed for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Exhibition will be a unique opportunity to promote our country’s economy on the international arena.
Poland at Expo 2020
The motto of the Polish presentation is: “Poland. Creativity inspired by nature”
The most important events include: Polish Day, the Polish-Arab Economic Forum and the Polish-African Economic Forum
Our exhibition will be located in the Poland Pavilion with an area of over 2000 m2, with a characteristic wooden facade and a kinetic sculpture symbolizing a flock of birds, as well as a spectacular, artistic multimedia installation entitled „The Polish Table”
Over the next six months, almost 1,000 events of various kinds organized by our country will take place at Expo 2020
A total of nearly 2,500 Polish companies will participate in the economic program, consisting of several different initiatives
– Today we are all wondering what our world will look like after the pandemic. Although we are not able to precisely answer this question, we are aware that in order to meet the challenges posed by the modern world, we cannot stand still. We must continue to develop and support domestic enterprises in Poland and on foreign markets. We are approaching the crisis caused by the pandemic so that it becomes a driving force for the further development of the Polish economy – emphasizes Grzegorz Piechowiak, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Development and Technology – I am convinced that Expo 2020 may become one of the drivers of our development and that it will strengthen our economy one of the leaders in Europe, which remains an attractive and friendly place to invest. Our participation in the World Exhibition Expo 2020 in Dubai will be, on the one hand, an economic manifesto after the pandemic, and on the other, a spectacular opportunity to establish important business contacts in the Middle East and a gateway to African markets.
– Expo 2020 is an extremely important area of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency’s activities, which undoubtedly fits into the Agency’s strategy. Our goal is to actively promote Poland as a reliable business partner and a safe investment destination. The Expo shows the ability of our synergistic action, which includes creating a substantive and ideological umbrella over all activities that are to build the image of Poland under this project. We hope that at the World Exhibition we will be able to show our potential and our innovation to partners from new, non-EU markets, including African countries. It is very important to us – emphasized Krzysztof Drynda, President of the Board of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, during the press conference announcing the events at Expo 2020.
Expo 2020 will also be the first World Exhibition organized in an Arab country and, according to the organizers’ announcements, will be the largest event of this type in history. Poland plans to take advantage of this and comprehensively promote our economy and Polish businesses. That is why the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, in cooperation with many institutions, has prepared a special economic program for businesses. It consists of numerous support tools intended for Polish companies that want to develop by taking advantage of Poland’s participation in the Expo. One of them is the Partnership Program. This is the first undertaking of this type in the history of Poland’s participation in World Exhibitions, which gives businesses the opportunity to promote and strengthen their plans for foreign expansion. Another initiative under the economic program is the possibility of obtaining funds from the “Go to Brand” program coordinated by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. Thanks to this program, businesses receive financial support for the promotion of product brands, including during Expo 2020. Business seminars at the Poland Pavilion, which present Polish services and technologies to foreign investors, are also important initiatives. On the other hand, webinars with experts will broaden the knowledge of business owners about the conditions for foreign expansion into the markets of the Persian Gulf and Africa.
– The Middle East is today the global centre of trade. I am convinced that thanks to the Expo it will be easier for Polish companies to appear on new markets. I am glad that almost 2,500 companies will take part in the economic program accompanying Poland’s presence at the Expo. It is for Polish businesses that we have prepared a unique support program, which is dedicated not only to the largest, but also to small and medium-sized companies. It is important to show the full economic potential of our country. We would like to invite everyone to participate in two economic forums, business seminars in the Poland Pavilion, as well as in webinars with experts – emphasizes Krzysztof Drynda, President of the Board of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency.
The most important place to present the potential of our economy will be the Poland Pavilion with an area of over 2,000 m2. In one of the parts of the Pavilion, designed for business meetings, meetings of Polish and foreign businesses will also be held. The Poland Pavilion’s multimedia exhibition in the Poland. Spirit of Ingenuity zone will present nearly 200 entities representing sectors with the highest export potential to the Middle Eastern markets. Currently, finishing works are underway in the Poland Pavilion. – In its center, the artistic installation „Polish Table” has been set up, which will be an allegorical story about Poland – about our creativity, entrepreneurship, rich culture and unique design – says Adrian Malinowski, The Commissioner General of the Polish Section Expo 2020 Dubai. – October 1 is the beginning of our presentation in Dubai. Over the next 6 months, nearly 1,000 events will take place: from daily workshops for children and piano concerts in front of the pavilion, through business seminars, events organized by regions, to large cultural events and two large economic forums for several hundred people – the Polish-Arab Economic Forum and Polish-African Economic Forum – emphasizes Malinowski.
The culmination of Poland’s presence at Expo 2020 in Dubai will be the Polish Day, which is scheduled for December 7, 2021. Significant moments in the calendar will also be the Polish-Arab Economic Forum (December 6, 2021) and the Polish-African Economic Forum (February 23, 2022).
Expo 2020 in Dubai will run from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. The organizers chose „Connecting Minds, Creating the Future” as the motto. It draws attention to the challenges of today’s world in the economic sphere and the importance of international cooperation and openness to new markets.