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The economic promotion programme is the key element of Poland’s participation in the World Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai in Japan. As part of the promotional activities preceding the Expo, Japanese entrepreneurs and journalists – a total of 74 people – will be invited to Poland to participate in 7 inbound missions. The first three missions will take place as early as September this year, with more to follow in the months leading up to the Expo.
A series of business and journalistic missions will aim to familiarise the representatives of Japanese companies and media with the offers of Polish companies. The missions will be combined in time with industry events held in Poland, including fairs that bring together entrepreneurs who are interested in expanding into foreign markets.
The missions are an excellent way to promote and stay directly in touch with Polish entrepreneurs with a wide range of business offers. We successfully carried out a similar series of missions after Expo 2020 Dubai. During the World Expo, we promoted the Polish economy brand in the Organiser’s country, and upon its conclusion, we invited partners to show them that our offer is not just a promise, but also a reality. This type of activity allows us to build trust and it is an opportunity to achieve tangible benefits for both parties – said Eliza Klonowska-Siwak, Deputy Commissioner General of the Polish Section Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, World Expo Department of PAIH.
At the end of 2023, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) carried out inbound missions for entrepreneurs from the United Arab Emirates and countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Nearly 50 representatives of companies from: the UAE, Egypt, Morocco and Nigeria participated in five missions that were “a follow-up” to activities carried out during Expo 2020 Dubai. They took part in a number of study visits and B2B meetings with Polish entrepreneurs.
Journalists from Japan will also be invited to participate in the upcoming missions. PAIH representatives hope that the media participation will increase the expected impact and contribute not only to the promotion of the Polish economy, but also to showcasing Poland as an attractive tourist destination.
Entrepreneurs and journalists will not incur costs to participate in the missions. The inbound missions are organised by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, the institution responsible for the preparation of Poland’s participation in the World Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai.