A new date for Polish Day at the World Exhibition EXPO 2020 in Dubai: December 7, 2021

December 7, 2021, has been planned as Polish Day at the World Exhibition EXPO 2020 in Dubai. This will be the culmination of our presence at this six-month, world’s largest economic and promotional event. The new date for Polish Day falls on the 30th anniversary of the opening of the Polish Embassy in the United Arab Emirates, and its celebration will be accompanied by a meeting of representatives of the highest state authorities of both countries, as well as economic and cultural events.
– On December 7, 2021, the eyes of the whole world – present at EXPO 2020 in Dubai – will turn to Poland. We want to make the most of this moment, which is why preparations for Polish Day have been going on for a long time. National days at World Exhibitions have their own rituals, which each country fills with its own characteristic content. We are developing a cultural and entertainment program for this day to show the world our greatest Polish traditions and artistic achievements – says Adrian Malinowski, General Commissioner of the Polish Section of the World Exhibition EXPO 2020 in Dubai.
In the national days calendar at EXPO 2020 in Dubai, in the first decade of December, in addition to Poland, among others, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Russia and Kazakhstan will also be celebrating their National Day. This new date for Polish Day, was also chosen because of the context of important events planned by our country, for December, such as Children’s Day (6.12) and the Christmas Festival.
– Given the objectives that accompany us in Poland’s preparations for the next World Exhibition, when organizing our country’s day at EXPO 2020 in Dubai, the economic context is the most important for us. We want to use this moment to strengthen the significance of political and business relations with the host country and the entire Middle East region, and the rank of this day will be highlighted by a meeting of the Polish and the United Arab Emirates authorities at the highest level. Continuing the good practices from previous World Exhibitions, the Polish Day at EXPO 2020 in Dubai will be accompanied by the Poland-United Arab Emirates Economic Forum, which will open the doors for many Polish entrepreneurs for real cooperation with partners from all over the Persian Gulf – adds Adrian Malinowski.
The Poland-United Arab Emirates Economic Forum will take place on December, 2021 and will be the culmination of the entire economic program accompanying Poland’s participation in the EXPO 2020 World Exhibition in Dubai. The program of events will include the signing of bilateral agreements, business panels, b2b business sessions. The detailed program of the Forum and the presentation of the possibilities of participation for Polish entrepreneurs will be published systematically on expo.gov.pl.
Poland at EXPO 2020 in Dubai
The EXPO World Exhibitions are cyclical economic, promotional and cultural events whose prestige is comparable to the World Championships in Football or the Olympic Games. EXPO 2020 in Dubai will take place between October 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022 and will be the first World Exhibition organized in an Arab country. Over 200 countries and organizations will participate in the six-month event. The organizers estimate that the Dubai Exhibition will be visited by 18 million guests who will make 25 million visits.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the original dates for the EXPO 2020 World Exhibition in Dubai were postponed by a year. The decision making process regarding the date change was a multi-stage process. The recommendation of the United Arab Emirates government and the EXPO 2020 Dubai Steering Committee were confirmed by the General Assembly of the World Exhibition Bureau. The 113 countries participating in EXPO 2020 took part in the vote.
Despite the date change, the organizers decided to leave the current name of the event: EXPO 2020. The exhibition’s motto is: „By connecting minds, we create the future”. The themes of the exhibition recommended by the organizers – sustainable development and mobility – Poland extends in three thematic ways: technology, international cooperation and nature. The Poland Pavilion’s slogan is: „Poland. Creativity inspired by nature. ” Poland will be presented as a strong cooperation center that, through the development of science, offers the world sustainable, environmentally friendly technologies, inspired by nature.
The goals of Poland’s presence at EXPO in Dubai include both strengthening the image of Poland on the international stage and economic promotion. We assume a multidimensional presentation of technologies and companies representing strategic industries from the point of view of export potential to the Middle Eastern markets, and thus a real increase in business transactions. Poland’s participation in EXPO 2020 in Dubai will be a unique promotional context for Polish entrepreneurs struggling with the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The pavilion designed by the WXCA architectural studio will be the main arena of the presentation and carrier of information about Poland during the World Exhibition EXPO 2020 in Dubai. A consortium of companies – Science Now, Stellar Fireworks and Tellart are responsible for creating the concept of the tour path and implementing multimedia content.
Poland’s participation is accompanied by a wide variety of opportunities for Polish entrepreneurs who can apply for financial, organizational and promotional support, using Poland’s participation in EXPO 2020 in Dubai as a chance to build relationships with business partners in the United Arab Emirates and the entire Persian Gulf. Due to the rescheduling of the World Exhibition, the EXPO 2020 Dubai team in the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, together with its substantive partners in the project, are working on updating the offer for entrepreneurs, which will be reflected in the new Program Concept, which will be presented to the Council of Ministers soon.
More information on: www.expo.gov.pl
Anna Drozd
PR Manager
Poland at Expo
Polish Investment and Trade Agency
t. +48 22 334 99 27
m. +48 887 830 570
e. anna.drozd@paih.gov.pl
Alicja Kaczmarek
Senior Specialist
Press Office
Polish Investment and Trade Agency
t. +48 22 334 99 16
m. +48 885 681 932
e. alicja.kaczmarek@paih.gov.pl